I Know What Love Is lyrics - Celine Dion

I was forgotten
Until you called my name
Lost in the shadows
Until you shined your light my way
Now I believe again
In all my dreams again
I'm wide eyed and innocent
Those doubting days
Are so far away and oh

I will fall
And you will catch me always
Time has taught me this
I will fly
And you'll be there to guide me
Straight up to my heart's highest wish
I feel you close to me
And I know what love is

Now there's no mountain
Too high for me to climb
No ocean so wide
That I could not reach the other side
Now I believe in me
Cause you live and breather in me
And nothing can come between
We are one star
No nigh can darken, Oh

I will fall
And you will catch me always
Time has taught me this
I will fly
And you'll be there to guide me
Straight up to my heart's highest wish
I feel you close to me
And I know what love is

It's an unspoken thing
A quiet opening
There are no words that can go that deep
But I know
I know

I will fall
And you will catch me always
Time has taught me this
I will fly
And you'll be there to guide me
Straight up to my heart's highest wish
I feel you close to me
And I know what love is

Je T'aime Encore lyrics - Celine Dion

Here the autumn ends bringing back the rain
The old Chevy's dead they tried to fix it in vain
Elisa's got her first teeth, little Jimmy is getting strong
I'm learning guitar I almost know a song

I've found some chanterelle at the market this morning
I'd like to live in Rome, oh it would be such a good thing
Try to grow some flowers, the same I tried before
That's all for now
Oh yes je t'aime encore

But where are you
So far with no address
How's life for you
My hope is my only caress

Finally cut my hair, I hear you say at last
It's been kind of strange but you see I survived
When I'm asked I go out, I dance all night and more
But when I dance
Je t'aime encore
But where are you
So far with no address
How's life for you
Time is my only caress

Je t'aime encore just like in an old fashioned song
And it burns in my soul, anything else seems too long
Oh more and more, as strong as I can be
Oui je t'aime encore
But you, you cannot hear me.

album: "1 Fille & 4 Types" (2003)

Tout L'or Des Hommes lyrics - Celine Dion

J'ai depose mes armes
a l'entree de ton coeur sans combat
et j'ai suivi les charmes
lentement en douceur quelque part la-bas
au milieu de tes reves
au creux de ton sommeil dans tes nuits
un jour nouveau se leve
a nul autre pareil mais tu sais depuis....

Tout l'or des hommes
ne vaut plus rien...
si tu es loin de moi
Tout l'amour du monde ne me fait rien
alors surtout ne change pas.

C'est un nouveau voyage
le destin le hazard peu m'importe
qui m'a montre le passage
qui allait jusqu'a toi mais tu sais depuis....

Tout l'or des hommes
ne vaut plus rien...
si tu es loin de moi
Tout l'amour du monde ne me fait rien
alors surtout ne change pas...

Tout l'or des hommes
ne vaut plus rien...
si tu es loin de moi
Tout l'amour du monde ne me fait rien
alors surtout ne change pas.

(Tout l'or des hommes)
ne vaut plus rien...
si tu es loin de moi
Tout l'amour du monde ne me fait rien
surtout ne change pas...no!
surtout ne change pas...

(Tout l'or des hommes) Tout l'or des hommes
Tout l'amour du monde ne me fait rien
alors surtout ne change pas...
(Tout l'or des hommes) Tout l'or des hommes
(Tout l'amour du monde) Tout l'amour du monde
alors surtout ne change pas.

Apprends-Moi lyrics - Celine Dion

Les petites choses
Des couleurs que tu portes, au noir de ton cafe

Ce qui te repose
Tes envies et tes fautes avouees

Avec ton sourire
Tes manies, tes causes
Tes phobies, tes secrets

Ce que tu desires
En douces phrases et baisers sucres

Et dans mes reves
J'ai si souvent prie, Ou tu voudras, ou tu pourras, ou tu iras, j'irai
Lis sur mes levres
Approche un peu plus pres, Que tu m'apprennes toi, sans jamais oublier

Rien que ce qui compte
Ces rires fous qu'on ose
Puisque le monde est sourd


Que rien d'autre ne compte
Que ces serments fideles
D'un jour

Le temps des delices
Ces puits d'ivresse neuve
Ces actes sans recours


L'art du sacrifice
Qu'on est plus vivant
Quand on meurt d'amour

Et dans mes reves
J'ai si souvent prie, Ou tu voudras, ou tu pourras, ou tu iras j'irai
Lis sur mes levres
Approche un peu plus pres, Que je m'apprenne dans toi, jusqu'au dernier


Apprends-moi tes sourires
Apprends-moi tes desirs Apprends-moi
Apprends-moi tes phobies
Apprends-moi tes manies Apprends-moi
Apprends-moi tes secrets

Et dans mes reves
J'ai si souvent prie, Ou tu voudras, ou tu pourras, ou tu iras j'irai
Lis sur mes levres
Approche un peu plus pres, Que tu m'apprennes toi, sans jamais oublier

Et dans mes reves
J'ai si souvent prie, Ou tu voudras, ou tu pourrais, ou tu iras j'irai
Lis sur mes levres
Approche un peu plus pres, Que je m'apprenne dans toi, jusqu'au dernier

Apprends-moi tes sourires
Apprends-moi tes desirs Apprends-moi
Apprends-moi tes phobies
Apprends-moi tes manies Apprends-moi
Apprends-moi tes secrets

Le Vol D'un Ange lyrics - Celine Dion

Et j'ai suivi le vol d'un ange
Il m'a emmene jusqu'a toi
Un battement de cil
Et tu es la
La nuit plus rien ne nous derange
La raison est un fil de soie
On la sent plus fragile
C'est bien comme ca
Mais dis-moi...

Toi, est-ce que tu reves encore ?
Toi, est-ce que tu vas toujours caresser le ciel ?
Toi, est-ce que tu cherches encore ?
Toi, est-ce que tu veux toujours effleurer le soleil ?

Et j'ai suivi le vol d'un ange
Comme un voyage au fond de moi
Juste en fermant les yeux
Et tu es la
La nuit a ce pouvoir etrange
De nous faire aller jusque la
Ou meme les oiseaux
N'arrivent pas

Toi, est-ce que tu reves encore ?
Toi, est-ce que tu vas toujours caresser le ciel ?
Toi, est-ce que tu cherches encore ?
Toi, est-ce que tu veux toujours effleurer le soleil ?

On frolait l'ocean
Est-ce que tu te rappelles ?
On partait droit devant
On revait
De voler la-bas
A l'autre bout du ciel, a l'autre bout du ciel

Toi, est-ce que tu reves encore ?
Toi, est-ce que tu vas toujours caresser le ciel ?
Toi, est-ce que tu cherches encore ?
Toi, est-ce que tu veux toujours effleurer le soleil ?

Et j'ai suivi le vol d'un ange
Il m'a emmene jusqu'a toi
Un battement de cil
Et tu es la

Ne Bouge Pas lyrics - Celine Dion

Tu charmes, tu blesses mais tu ne mens jamais
Tu choisis seul, bon ou mauvais
Qui decide de ce qui se fait ?
Tu es comme tu es, ca me plait

Tu n'as pas d'heure d'hiver, d'ete
D'ailleurs ta montre tu l'as donnee
Mais quand je vais mal tu le sais
Tu trouves deux, trois mots et ca y est

Des comme toi, c'est pas souvent
Ecoute, c'est important...
Ne bouge rien ne bouge pas
On en fait pas beaucoup comme toi
Ne touche a rien c'est bien comme ca
Ne bouge rien ne bouge pas

Tu aimes fort et puis tu disparais
T'as bien trop d'amis pour rester
Tu ne sais meme pas t'excuser
Juste te faire pardonner

Tu oublies le mal qu'on te fait
Tu veux toujours tout partager
Tu ris, tu pleures sans te cacher
La vie s'ecoule sans t'abimer

Des gens comme ca, y'en n'a pas tant
Ecoute, c'est important....

Ne bouge rien ne bouge pas
On en fait pas beaucoup comme toi
Ne touche a rien c'est bien comme ca
Ne bouge rien ne bouge pas

On va te dire tourne la page Ne bouge rien ne bouge pas
Il faut grandir, devenir sage Ne bouge rien ne bouge pas
Tous ces mots qui nous mettent en cage Ne bouge rien ne bouge pas
Pour etre libre il n'y a pas d'age Ne bouge rien en bouge pas

Ecoute, c'est important...

Ne bouge rien ne bouge pas
On en fait pas beaucoup comme toi
Ne touche a rien c'est bien comme ca
Ne bouge rien ne bouge pas

Tu Nages lyrics - Celine Dion

Je connais bien ce regard
Ces yeux qui se ferment par instants
Ces pensees qui nous separent
Et qu'on ne partage meme en revant
Fixes droit vers l'ocean
Peines muettes ou courses d'enfant
Bouts de vie que tu caches
A l'abri dans ton silence
Que brise ma voix, je le sens

J'aimerais tant savoir
Souffler comme le vent
Sur ton doux visage
Fair partir le noir, disparaitre le temps
Casser les nuages
Parler meme tout bas
Juste pout toi et meme
De petits riens
Mais la-bas
Au loin, tu nages

Tu nages sans t'arreter
Dans les eaux pronfondes, quelque part
Tu nages pour ne pas couler
Et ici bas, c'est deja le soir

Et moi j'attends sur le pont
Impuissante et seule si souvent
Moi qui n'aime que ta voix
Petit point sur l'horizon
J'ai peur qu'un jour tu n'reviennes pas

J'aimerais tant savoir
Souffler comme le vent
Sur ton beau visage
Paire se lever l'espoir, les richesse d'avant
Nos plus belles pages
Parler meme tout bas
Juste pour toi et moi
Tu te souviens?
Mais la-bas
Au loin, tu nages

Tu nages....tu nages....tu nages

Je T'aime Encore lyrics - Celine Dion

Here the autumn ends bringing back the rain
The old Chevy's dead they tried to fix it in vain
Elisa's got her first teeth, little Jimmy is getting strong
I'm learning guitar I almost know a song

I've found some chanterelle at the market this morning
I'd like to live in Rome, oh it would be such a good thing
Try to grow some flowers, the same I tried before
That's all for now
Oh yes je t'aime encore

But where are you
So far with no address
How's life for you
My hope is my only caress

Finally cut my hair, I hear you say at last
It's been kind of strange but you see I survived
When I'm asked I go out, I dance all night and more
But when I dance
Je t'aime encore
But where are you
So far with no address
How's life for you
Time is my only caress

Je t'aime encore just like in an old fashioned song
And it burns in my soul, anything else seems too long
Oh more and more, as strong as I can be
Oui je t'aime encore
But you, you cannot hear me.

Retiens-Moi lyrics - Celine Dion

Si tu me vois tourner la tete
Regarder trop par la fenetre
Oh, retiens-moi

Si tu me surprends l'ame grise
A preparer qu'une seule valise
Oh, retiens-moi

Retiens mes pas
Fais marcher ta sirene d'amour
Ouvre tes filets de velours
Retiens-moi, love-moi
Au creux de tes promesses encore
Tout pres contre ton corps

Si tu vois dans mes yeux des armes
Tirer sur le signal des larmes
Oh, retiens-moi

Si je me fais trop dure et trop fiere
Si je prends l'ete pour l'hiver
Oh, retiens-moi

De preferer la nuit au jour
De dire < je t'aime > sans < toujours >
Meme sans appel au secours
Retiens-moi, c'est ton tour

Oh, quand tout sera fragile
Quand j'aurai l'air d'une proie facile
S'il te plait, retiens-moi

La paix de tes errances
La chaleur de ta chance et l'oubli
Dans le creux de tes reins

Ce que j'ai perdu un jour
Dans ces routes et ces detours
A chercher le chemin
De tes mains

De tes mains

Je Lui Dirai lyrics - Celine Dion

Je lui dirai qu'il est de ce pays
Ou son grand-pere etait bucheron
Que dans son sang l'Orient coule aussi
Que les melanges font de beaux enfants
Qu'il est fort et bien vivant

Je lui dirai qu'il est ne de l'amour
Que nous l'attendions passionnement
Que chaque nuit s'efface au nouveau jour
Qu'il sera grand mais qu'il a bien le temps
Oh dieu qu'il a bien le temps

Et que la vie l'appelle, que le monde l'attend
Que la terre est si belle et le ciel est si grand
Qu'il est beau, que je l'aime, qu'il est ma vie, ma joie
Qu'il est un parmi des millions d'humains
Mais bien l'unique pour moi

Je lui dirai qu'ici-bas tout s'apprend
Le bien, le mal et meme le bonheur
Qu'il ne perde jamais ses yeux d'enfant
Devant trop de malheurs et de laideur
Qu'il regarde avec son coeur

Je lui dirai d'etre sage et prudent
D'aller froler les glaces et les feux
Qu'il goute a tout mais sans jamais dependre
Que trop peut etre pire que trop peu
Oh bien pire que trop peu

Hey !

Et que la vie l'appelle, que le monde l'attend
Que la terre est si belle et le ciel est si grand
Qu'il est beau, que je l'aime, qu'il est ma vie, ma joie
Qu'il est un parmi des millions d'humains
Mais bien l'unique pour moi

Je lui dirai les chansons les poemes
Qu'il n'y a pas d'amour sans histoire
Que le bonheur est un grain que l'on seme
Qu'amour et sante ne s'achetent pas
Et qu'on n'est riche que de ca

Je lui dirai qu'un jour une autre femme
Viendra l'aimer et qu'il l'aimera
Que j'en mourrai de bonheur et de larmes
Mais que nous serons la, pas apres pas
Que c'est la vie et sa loi

Et que la vie l'appelle que le monde l'attend
Que la terre est si belle et le ciel est si grand
Qu'il est beau, que je l'aime, qu'il est ma vie, ma joie
Qu'il est un parmi des millions d'humains
Mais bien l'unique pour moi

Mon Homme lyrics - Celine Dion

Il a le regard econome
Il a le verbe rare, ca me plait
Il aime le chant des colombes et l'odeur du cafe
Et ces petites choses qu'on fait sans y penser

C'est mon homme, mon drapeau
Mon homme, celui qu'il me faut
Je frissonne je prends l'eau
C'est mon homme, mon abri, mon lit, mon heros

Il ne saurait pas comment briller
Ou comme un phare banal, oublie
Dans sa mer ordinaire
Il brise les vagues sans voir
Ces milliers de lumieres
Qu'il m'offre sans le vouloir

C'est mon homme, mon drapeau
Mon homme, celui qu'il me faut
Je frissonne je prends l'eau
C'est mon homme, mon feu, mon repos

C'est mon homme, mon ami
Qui pardonne, celui qu'on choisit
Je tatonne, je faillis
C'est mon homme qui fait ce qu'il dit

C'est mon homme je l'admire
Mon ozone, l'air que je respire
Mon opium, mon jour
Oh mon homme, mon toit, mon chemin, mon amour

Rien N'est Vraiment Fini lyrics - Celine Dion

Aux promesses eternelles
Aux jours de grand soleil
Aux instants d'or et de lumiere
Aux silences des ames
Aux non-dits qui s'enflamment
Aux feux complices des lunes claires

Tant que l'eau s'endort aux yeux des reines
Comme au lit des rivieres
Tant que nos mains se souviennent
Rien n'est vraiment fini
Les vents du large parfois ramenent
Le marin qui se perd
Tant que ta voix suit la mienne
Rien n'est vraiment fini

Aux parfums irreels
Aux nuits d'ambre et de miel
Aux douces magies de la peau
A nos chemins de vie
A tout ce qui nous lie
A ce passe qui nous tient chaud

Tant que l'eau s'endort aux yeux des reines
Comme au lit des rivieres
Tant que nos mains se souviennent
Rien n'est vraiment fini
Les vents du large parfois ramenent
Le marin qui se perd
Tant que ta voix suit la mienne
Rien n'est vraiment fini

Si les vents du large te ramenent

Rien n'est vraiment fini

Tant que l'eau s'endort aux yeux des reines
Comme au lit des rivieres
Tant que nos mains se souviennent

Les vents du large parfois ramenent
Le marin qui se perd
Tant que ta voix suit la mienne
Rien n'est vraiment fini

Rien n'est vraiment fini

Contre Nature lyrics - Celine Dion

Et on a eteint notre lumiere
Celle qui nous guidait encore hier
Je voudrais te dire
Qu'il peut rester d'un amour si grand
Une etincelle qui defie le temps
Et puis
Je voudrais te dire

Que chaque jour sans toi
Me fait plus mal
Que toutes les blessures
Que chaque jour sans toi
N'est pas normal
C'est contre nature
Que chaque jour sans toi
Me fait plus mal
Que toutes les injures
Que chaque jour sans toi
Sans rien de toi
C'est contre nature

Meme si entre nous il y a eu des guerres
On parlait d'amour encore hier
Je voudrais te dire
Que malgre la pluie l'hiver et les vents
Je n'oublierai pas nos soleils d'avant
Et puis
Je voudrais te dire

Que chaque jour sans toi
Me fait plus mal
Que toutes les blessures
Que chaque jour sans toi
N'est pas normal
C'est contre nature
Que chaque jour sans toi
Me fait plus mal
Que toutes les injures
Que chaque jour sans toi Sans rien de toi
C'est contre nature

C'est contre nature

Que chaque jour sans toi
Chaque jour sans toi
C'est contre nature
Que chaque jour sans toi
Me fait plus mal
Que toutes les blessures
Que chaque jour sans toi
N'est pas normal
C'est contre nature
Que chaque jour sans toi
Me fait plus mal
Que toutes les injures
Que chaque jour sans toi
Sans rien de toi
C'est contre nature

Des Milliers De Baisers lyrics - Celine Dion

Des milliers de baisers, des milliers de millier
Un a un de mes levres a tes levres deposes
Des millions de secondes, instantanes de bonheur
Effaces disparus en un battement de coeur

Des milliers de mots doux sur des pare-brises envoles
Numeros composes sans jamais oser parler
Bouts d'aveux dechires dans des corbeilles a papier
Les defroisser les recoller, lire et les garder

Des milliers de caresses au millimetre carre
Des milliers de cris de souffles a nos bouches echappes
Pans de ciels effleures, touches, sommeils emmeles
Rayes comme si tout ca n'avait jamais ete

Je voudrais tout ramasser dans des grands sacs poubelle
Les paroles oubliees des plus banales aux plus belles
Qu'aucun ne se perde de ces instants si precieux
Ces phrases ont ete dites, ces moments ont eu lieu

Tout enregistrer ajouter le son les odeurs
ADN, empreintes, mais que jamais rien ne meure
Ces millions de films de nous, mais pas du cinema
Toutes les scenes perdues que l'on ne jouait pas

On ouvrirait tous les jours ou nous serions moins forts
Tous ces embryons d'amour, toutes ces aurores
Sinceres, demasques, fragiles et vrais de candeur
Nous revoir ainsi nous rendrait peut-etre meilleurs

Des milliers de baisers, des milliers de millier
Un a un de nos levres sur des peaux deposees
Des milliers de pensees, de moments d'eternite
De regards echanges dans des gares echanges
Des milliers de baisers en un clin d'oeil oublies

Valse Adieu lyrics - Celine Dion

La nuit a ete longue
Elle croise le matin
S'allongent les ombres
Encore et encore
Et c'est deja demain

Puisque la vie nous separe
Et nous entraine loin de nous
Que les dieux vous gardent
Encore et encore
Vers d'autres rendez-vous

Oh mes amis mes freres
Que serions-nous sans nous
Des coeurs en hiver
Si seuls et moins forts
Et le manque de nous

Des coeurs en hiver
Si seuls et moins forts
Et le manque de nous

album: "A New Day Has Come" (2002)

I'm Alive lyrics - Celine Dion

Mmmmm ... Mmmmm ...
I get wings to fly
Oh, oh ... I'm alive ... Yeah

When you call on me
When I hear you breathe
I get wings to fly
I feel that I'm alive

When you look at me
I can touch the sky
I know that I'm alive

When you bless the day
I just drift away
All my worries die
I'm glad that I'm alive

You've set my heart on fire
Filled me with love
Made me a woman on clouds above

I couldn't get much higher
My spirit takes flight
'Cause I am alive

When you call on me
(When you call on me)
When I hear you breathe
(When I hear you breathe)
I get wings to fly
I feel that I'm alive
(I am alive)

When you reach for me
(When you reach for me)
Raising spirits high
God knows that...

That I'll be the one
Standing by through good and through trying times
And it's only begun
I can't wait for the rest of my life

When you call on me
(When you call on me)
When you reach for me
(When you reach for me)
I get wings to fly
I feel that...

When you bless the day
(When you bless, you bless the day)
I just drift away
(I just drift away)
All my worries die
I know that I'm alive

I get wings to fly
God knows that I'm alive

Right In Front Of You lyrics - Celine Dion

Life, it can twist your heart
Put you in the dark
I was cold and lonely

Doubt, it can close you in
Build the walls within
I let fear control me
And that girl didn't know
Where the answer would be

Right in front of you
Right in front of me
We were looking for it somehow
Somewhere we couldn't see

But the love was always there
It's been around us everywhere
I had to fall to finally see
That you were right in front of me


Faith, it can lift you up
And if you got enough
To reach a new beginning

Love, can withstand strong
In the final hour
We'll find the joy in living

Don't let go
Cause that I know
Pretty soon you will see

Right in front of you
Right in front of me
We were looking for it somehow
Somewhere we couldn't see

But the love was always there
It's been around us everywhere
I had to fall to finally see
That you were right in front of me

You are my tomorrow
There's safety in your arms
Where you'll go I'll follow
'Cause you're the world where I belong

Right in front of you
In front of me
Somehow we couldn't see
Right in front of you
I had to fall to finally see

Right in front of you
Right in front of me
We were looking for it somehow
Somewhere we couldn't see

But the love was always there
Surrounding us everywhere
I had to fall to finally see

Right in front of you
Right in front of me
We were looking for it somehow
Somewhere we couldn't see

But the love was always there
Surrounding us everywhere
I had to fall to finally see
That you were right in front of me

I finally see... yeah
I had to fall to finally see
That you were right in front of me

Have You Ever Been In Love lyrics - Celine Dion

Have you ever been in love
You could touch the moonlight
When your heart is shooting stars
You're holding heaven in your arms
Have you ever been in love?

Have you ever walked on air, ever
Felt like you were dreamin'
When you never thought it could
But it really feels that good
Have you ever been in love?

Have you ever been in love
You could touch the moonlight
When your heart is shooting stars
You're holding heaven in your arms
Have you ever been in love?

The time I spent waiting for something
That was heaven sent
When you find it don't let go
I know...

Have you ever said a prayer
And found that it was answered
All my hope has been restored
I ain't looking anymore
Have you ever been...

Some place that you ain't leavin'
Somewhere you gonna stay
When you finally found the meanin'
Have you ever felt this way?

The time I spent waiting for something
That was heaven sent
When you find it don't let go
I know...

Have you ever been in love
You could touch the moonlight
You can even reach the stars
Doesn't matter near or far
Have you ever been in love?
Have you ever been in love?
So in love

Rain, Tax (It's Inevitable) lyrics - Celine Dion

I did not know there was a plan
Somewhere a perfect man
I don't believe in the stars
Then you smiled at my pretense
As you broke down my defenses
Just want to be where you are

Love ain't like fashion
The look remains the same
I'll wear your heart forever
'Cause some things never change

Like rain, tax
After lightning the thunder cracks
(It's inevitable)
Sooner or later it had to come true
Like rain, tax
Weeds grow up through the pavement cracks
(It's inevitable)
You see what I want
What I want is you

Thought that life was logical
Love was a miracle
That happened to someone else, not me
Baby, I must've said a little prayer
Suddenly I looked up and you were there
And the rest is history

I don't want to be an island anymore
Just resign yourself
'Cause there's one thing for sure

Like rain, tax
After lightning the thunder cracks
(It's inevitable)
Sooner or later it had to come true
Like rain, tax
Weeds grow up through the pavement cracks
(It's inevitable)
You see what I want
What I want is you

It had to be you
It had to be you

Say you'll be here forever
You and me here together
When will you see what I want
What I want is you

Like rain, tax
After lightning the thunder cracks
(It's inevitable)
Sooner or later it had to come true
Like rain, tax
Weeds grow up through the pavement cracks
(It's inevitable)
You see what I want
What I want is you

Like rain, tax
After lightning the thunder cracks
(It's inevitable)
Sooner or later it had to come true
Like rain, tax
Weeds grow up through the pavement cracks
(It's inevitable)
You see what I want
What I want is you

A New Day Has Come (Radio Remix) lyrics - Celine Dion

A new day...
A new day...

I was waiting for so long
For a miracle to come
Everyone told me to be strong
Hold on and don't shed a tear

Through the darkness and good times
I knew I'd make it through
And the world thought I had it all
But I was waiting for you

Hush now

I see a light in the sky
Oh, it's almost blinding me
I can't believe
I've been touched by an angel with love

Let the rain come down and wash away my tears
Let it fill my soul and drown my fears
Let it shatter the walls for a new, new sun

A new day has... come

Where it was dark now there's light
Where there was pain now there's joy
Where there was weakness, I found my strength
All in the eyes of a boy

Hush now

I see a light in the sky
Oh, it's almost blinding me
I can't believe
I've been touched by an angel with love

Let the rain come down and wash away my tears
Let it fill my soul and drown my fears
Let it shatter the walls for a new, new sun

A new day has...

Let the rain come down and wash away my tears
Let it fill my soul and drown my fears
Let it shatter the walls for a new, new sun

A new day has... come

Ohhh, a light

Hush now

I see a light in your eyes
All in the eyes of the boy

I can't believe
I've been touched by an angel with love

I can't believe
I've been touched by an angel with love

Hush now

Hush now

Ten Days lyrics - Celine Dion

At the doorway of my heart
All the leaves have fallen down
And though I try to pick them up
There's so many I think I'll drown

Ten days have come and gone
Ten days and I'm all alone
And all that I can do is
Pray and pray
Ten days I've seen the rain
Comin' down on a sunny day
But all I've got to do is
Pray and pray
And pray

At the doorway of my life
I feel the pain but feel no shame
And what I've got I keep inside
Some things have changed but I'm still the same

Ten days have come and gone
Ten days and I'm all alone
And all that I can do is
Pray and pray
Ten days I've seen the rain
Comin' down on a sunny day
But all I've got to do is
Pray and pray
(That's right)
And pray

And if you're goin' my way
Don't think that I'll bend
'Cause this is where I'll stay
I think it's the end

Ten days have come and gone
Ten days and I'm all alone
And all that I can do is
Pray and pray
Ten days I've seen the rain
Comin' down on a sunny day
But all I've got to do is
Pray and pray

Ten days have come and gone
Ten days and I'm all alone
And all that I can do is
Pray and pray
Ten days I've seen the rain
Comin' down on a sunny day
But all I've got to do is
Pray and pray
And pray

Goodbye's (The Saddest Word) lyrics - Celine Dion

You gave life to me
Turned a baby into a lady

All you had to offer
Was the promise of a lifetime of love

Now I know
There is no other
Love like a mother's love for her child

And I know
A love so complete
Someday must leave
Must say goodbye

Goodbye's the saddest word I'll ever hear
Goodbye's the last time I will hold you near
Someday you'll say that word and I will cry
It'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye

You gave love to me
Turned a young one into a woman

All I ever needed
Was a guarantee of you loving me

'Cause I know
There is no other
Love like a mother's love for her child

And it hurts so
That something so strong
Someday will be gone, must say goodbye

Goodbye's the saddest word I'll ever hear
Goodbye's the last time I will hold you near
Someday you'll say that word and I will cry
It'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye

But the love you gave me will always live
You'll always be there every time I fall
You are to me the greatest love of all
You take my weakness and you make me strong
And I will always love you 'til forever comes

And when you need me
I'll be there for you always
I'll be there your whole life through
I'll be there this I promise you, Mamma

Mamma, I'll be
I'll be your beacon through the darkest nights
I'll be the wings that guide your broken flight
I'll be your shelter through the raging storm
And I will love you 'till forever comes

Goodbye's the saddest word I'll ever hear
Goodbye's the last time I will hold you near
Someday you'll say that word and I will cry
It'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye

'Till we meet again...
Until then...

Prayer lyrics - Celine Dion

Can we touch the soul of heaven
Can we unite a sacred lesson
Every child creates a skylight of beauty
Can you hear cathedrals falling
All the universe is calling
Cry a single cello from your heart
Since the world has lost her way
Loneliness journey endlessly
Yet the promised chance remains
Gifts of what could be
So let the children remember the sun
Let them dance let them soar
For their lives have begun
Let the children engender the rain
As the river runs through fields
Forever subsiding their pain
Every voice along the shoreline
Standing still within time
Spinning unresolved the walking
As each season passes
Through wonderland and looking glasses
The secret garden shires beckon's you
Gentle flower, don't fade away
Sweet innocent still harbors thee
In faith of garden dreams
Where one love lives eternally
Let the children remember the sun
Let them dance let them soar
For their lives have begun
Let the children engender the rain
As the river runs through fields
Forever subsiding their pain
Bless the children for they are the light
They are the truth of spirit in flight
Yes the children engender the rain
As the river runs through life
Healing their pain
If you could trust with your heart but for time
Sweet angels, conceive you have
Forever and always believed Prayer

I Surrender lyrics - Celine Dion

There's so much life I've left to live
And this fire is burning still
When I watch you look at me
I think I could find the will
To stand for every dream
And forsake this solid ground
And give up this fear within
Of what would happen if they ever knew
I'm in love with you

'Cause I'd surrender everything
To feel the chance to live again
I reach to you
I know you can feel it too
We'd make it through
A thousand dreams I still believe
I'd make you give them all to me
I'd hold you in my arms and never let go
I surrender

I know I can't survive
Another night away from you
You're the reason I go on
And now I need to live the truth
Right now, there's no better time
From this fear I will break free
And I'll live again with love
And no they can't take that away from me
And they will see...

I'd surrender everything
To feel the chance to live again
I reach to you
I know you can feel it too
We'd make it through
A thousand dreams I still believe
I'd make you give them all to me
I'd hold you in my arms and never let go
I surrender

Every night's getting longer
And this fire is getting stronger, baby
I'll swallow my pride and I'll be alive
Can't you hear my call
I surrender all

I'd surrender everything
To feel the chance to live again
I reach to you
I know you can feel it too
We'll make it through
A thousand dreams I still believe
I'll make you give them all to me
I'll hold you in my arms and never let go
I surrender

Right here, right now
I give my life to live again
I'll break free, take me
My everything, I surrender all to you

Right now
I give my life to live again
I'll break free, take me
My everything, I surrender all to you

At Last lyrics - Celine Dion

At last my love has come along
My lonely days are over
And life is like a song

Ohh yeah yeah
At last
The skies above are blue
My heart was wrapped up in clover
The night I looked at you

I found a dream, that I could speak to
A dream that I can call my own
I found a thrill to press my cheek to
A thrill that I have never known

Ohh yeah yeah

You smile, you smile
Oh and then the spell was cast
And here we are in heaven
For you are mine at last

I found a dream, that I could speak to
A dream that I can call my own
I found a thrill to press my cheek to
A thrill that I have never known

Ohh yeah yeah

You smile, you smile
Oh and then the spell was cast
And here we are in heaven
For you are mine at last

At last... at last

Sorry For Love lyrics - Celine Dion

Forgive me for the things
That I never said to you
Forgive me for not knowing
The right words to say, to prove

That I will always be
Devoted to you and me
And if you can't feel that in my love
Then I'm sorry for not giving you enough

But I'm not sorry for my love
I'm not sorry for my touch
The way it made your hands
Tremble and my heart rush

I would do it all again
Wouldn't take back a thing, no
'Cause with you I've lived
A thousand lives in one

And I could never be
I could never be
Sorry for love

Well, maybe there've been times
That I let you down
Looking back on all those moments
I know that I should have found

Love is to be for you
And now I will promise to you
And if you don't see that in my eyes
Then I'll be
Sorry for the rest of my life

But I'm not sorry for my love
I'm not sorry for my touch
The way it made your hands
Tremble and my heart rush

I would do it all again
Wouldn't take back a thing, no
Cause with you I've lived
A thousand lives in one

But I could never be
I could never be
Sorry for love

Aren't we all make mistakes
No matter how hard we try
But hearts can't only break
When sorry comes all around

OOh, when sorry comes around

I'm not sorry...
For my love
For my touch

I would do it all again
I wouldn't take back my love

Because with you I've lived
A thousand lives into one
But I could never be
I could never be
I could never be
I could never be

Sorry for love

Aun Existe Amor (Love Still Exists) lyrics - Celine Dion

Cuando te adormeces junto a mi
Entonces no me quedan dudas
De que aun existe amor

(When you fall asleep next to me
Then I have no doubt
That love still exists)

La indecisi¨Rn que hay en mi
Yo la mandar¨ªa a la luna
Para vivir contigo
La soledad de cada d¨ªa
Que entre l¨¢grimas crec¨ªa
La alejar¨¦ de mi

(The indecision I have in me
I ordered it from the moon
To live with you
The loneliness of each day
That grows between tears
That grows apart from me)

Para amarte a toda costa
Para amarte a cada momento
A pesar de tanto mal
Que gira entorno nuestro

(To love you at all cost
To love you at each moment
Considering all the madness
That runs around us)

Cuando te adormeces junto a mi
Entonces no me quedan dudas
De que aun existe amor
S¨¦ que aun existe amor

(When you fall asleep next to me
Then I have no doubt
That love still exists
Love still exists)

Las discusiones de los dos
Saber qui¨¦n tendr¨¢ la culpa
Que nos importa ya
En nuestro mundo que es muy grande

(The discussions between us
Knowing whom will be blamed
What's important to us

In our world that is so large)
Carino m¨ªo nos amaremos
Mucho mucho m¨¢s...
M¨¢s all¨¢ de la violenc¨ªa
M¨¢s all¨¢ de la locura

(Dear one, we will love each other
Much much more...
Beyond the violence
Beyond the madness)

A pesar de tanto mal
Que no se acabar¨¢

(Considering all the madness
That won't stop)

Cuando te adormeces junto a mi
Entonces no me quedan dudas
De que aun existe amor
S¨¦ que aun existe amor
S¨¦ que aun existe amor

(When you fall asleep next to me
Then I have no doubt
That love still exists
Love still exists
Love still exists)

Para amarte a toda costa
Para amarte a cada momento
A pesar de tanto mal
Que gira entorno nuestro

(To love you at all cost
To love you at each moment
Considering all the madness
That runs around us)

Cuando te adormeces junto a mi
Entonces no me que quedan dudas
De que aun existe amor

(When you fall asleep next to me
Then I have no doubt
That love still exists)

The Greatest Reward lyrics - Celine Dion

So suddenly, so strange
Life wakes you up, things change
I've done my best, I've served my call
I thought I had it all

So suddenly, so strong
My prejudice was gone
You needed me, I found my place
I'm there for now, these days

Now the greatest reward
Is the light in your eyes
The sound of your voice
And the touch of your hand
You made me who I am

You trusted me to grow
I gave my heart to show
There's nothing else I cherish more
I stand by you for sure

Now the greatest reward
Is the love that I can give
I'm here for you now
For as long as I live
You made me who I am

So suddenly, it's clear to me
Things change
Our future lies in here and now
We live it through somehow

Now the greatest reward
Is the love that I can give
I'm here for you now
For as long as I live
You made me who I am

You made me who I am
